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Chalet Alpenrose - Bio Wellness Hotel

EARTH - Story of a life all year round

Reopening 01/07/20

EARTH - Story of a life all year round

Summer - just dream

Summer at Chalet Alpenrose is a daydream.
The meadows around the Chalet in Val di Pejo are lush with colorful flowers from May to early September, fragrant species of thyme, lemon balm and mountain arnica inebriate your sense of smell during walks to discover nature. Imagine the wonder of running here barefoot. The peaks of the Ortles-Cevedale mountains are still tinged with white and the streams flow impetuously from the peaks to the valley floor and carry LIFE with them. Try closing your eyes for a moment, take a deep breath and imagine being here with us, this is our summer dream.

Autumn - nature show

On tiptoe, autumn arrives in Val di Pejo.
The larch trees in the woods around Chalet Alpenrose light up a fiery red. Autumn in the Stelvio National Park marks the season of love. It is in this period that the king of our forests, the deer, begins his mating ritual, competing for his female harem with "voice", so September begins the spectacular roar of the deer.

Winter - white magic

The first white snowflakes land on the shingles.
The typical tiles that form the roofs of our farms - at Chalet Alpenrose and the magic begins. The migratory birds have already left the valley to head for the heat, the squirrels pick up the last few fallen berries from the trees before they are totally covered in the soft snow, and the bears hibernate. Martina, a good German, begins to prepare her famous gingerbread biscuits that you can taste during an afternoon snack in our Christopherus Stube and Tiziano dusts off his snowshoes, winter is here! Chalet Alpenrose is wrapped in a white coat and a touching silence: it's time to breathe nature!

Spring - awakening

It is spring and the first crocus flowers appear from the snow which will soon transform the meadows around the Chalet Alpenrose in Val di Pejo into a purplish sea where the gaze gladly ends up getting lost. Spring in the mountains is awakening and vitality, like that of calves and cows, which after a long winter spent in the stable, finally come out under the blue sky that they love so much and indulge themselves in jumps and dances as if to welcome the beautiful season. Spring in Val di Sole is also Rafting on the Noce river. The season of alpine water sports par excellence is kicking off, the snow on the mountains slowly melts and the waters of the Noce river fill up giving rise to impetuous gusts, which adventure lovers find pan for their teeth. But spring at Chalet Alpenrose is above all “Kräutersammlung” as Martina says, or rather herb harvest! The ginseng of the Alps is ready to be harvested and Martina, our expert in medicinal plants, explains how to use it and how to transform it into your natural detox herbal tea.

Alpenrose holiday offers

Dove siamo

Chalet Alpenrose Bio Wellness Naturhotel
Via Malgamare - 38024 Cogolo di Pejo ( TN )
Loc. Masi Guilnova
Tel. +39 0463 754088
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